
The Tasks screen allows you to see, edit, duplicate, create and delete your tasks.


New Task Button (use to create new task)

Import Tasks Button (use to import tasks)

Edit Tasks Button (use to edit existing tasks)

Start Tasks Button (use to start all tasks)

New Task

To create a new task, click on the button shown above.

After clicking on the button you will be presented with the New Task dropdown. Here you can setup your task options and create it.

Product & Billing


Here you will be able to select which category you wish for the bot to search for the keywords. For example, if the "Sweatshirts" category is selected, the keywords inputted will only search for items within that category.

Item Quantity

Select the number of items you wish the bot to grab per task.


Keywords are the terms the bot uses to locate the item on the site. To use multiple keywords, separate each keyword with a comma. Do NOT have "spaces" after the comma. You do NOT need to type in "+" before each keyword. Negative keywords will ignore any product containing that keyword. E.g. “box,logo,-reflective” will search for any product containing both "box" and "logo" in the product name but will ignore any product containing "reflective". This is useful if two separate products have similar titles.


Here you will type in the color of the item. You can use “skip” or “random” here. If you want to exclude a color use the – symbol. E.g. “-red” will exclude the color red. “+red,+green” will go for red first but if out of stock it will then go for green.


Pretty self-explanatory; pick a size for the item you’re going for. If the item is One size select skip. If item has numerical sizing just type in the size you want to go for. Selecting “Skip” will select the first size available and selecting “random” will select a random sizing.


Select the billing profile that you want the task to use upon checkout.

Use In-Store Credit

When enabled it will attempt use whatever email is in the selected billing profile and attempt use the in-store credit associated with that email.

Tasks Settings

Checkout Delay

This is the amount of time (in milliseconds) you would like the bot to idle before submitting the checkout information. USE A RANGE OF 500-2500 FOR NOW.

Start Time

Here you are able to leave tasks ready to start at a specific time. Click on the box, select the date, then hour, minute, seconds and select AM or PM. The bot will go off of your local computer time (the time displayed in the bottom right of your task bar).

Captcha Priority

Here you can set a captcha priority (1-10). If you wish for a task to have a higher priority of pulling the captcha token, then set priority to a higher number.


If you would like to use a specific proxy for a task you would type it in this box. The format is User:Pass@IP:Port.

Task Quantity

The amount of tasks you wish to create with those settings.

Edit Tasks

To edit your tasks, click on the button shown above.

(to edit an individual task, simply click the task)

Import Tasks

To import tasks, click on the button shown above.

Tasks can be imported in .JSON format.

Last updated